Hi, my name is Hazel. Again.

Birungi Hazel
3 min readMay 11, 2021
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Heeeeeeey. It has been a minute!

I haven’t written here in a while; shocking given that writing constitutes about 90% of my day hustle. One would think that picking up writing on here would be easy. Spoiler alert: it isn’t. Despite having close to 8 blog ideas in my head, none has materialized yet. In the pursuit of 360° wellbeing, I identified some of the reasons why I’ve been struggling (still do) with writing and I am working towards either resolving or working around them. It’s a messy process, some days are good and I feel like Serena Williams and some days, well, some days I am Writer’s Block — if writer’s block was a person. Regardless, the struggle continues.

One thing that I have discovered is a curtailing factor is the need for my blog to be specific which is difficult because I am a multipotentialite and one of the perks that comes with it is being interested in and good at multiple things and topics. So, imagine how hard it is for me to be specific, especially in a world that encourages and reinforces the need for specificity. This stems from those questions that we were asked when we were younger on what we wanted to be when we grew up, to selecting particular subjects in high school and of course university. Stay with me here. I am a lawyer who doesn’t practice law and whenever I tell people I studied law, I’m met with the wackiest of questions.

Why then did you study law?

Who studies law and doesn’t want to go to court?

Why did you waste time?

After my law degree, I studied a post grad diploma in Taxation and Revenue Administration and I’m currently pursuing a Masters in Gender. Do these different areas of study have a nexus? Yes! I am hoping the PhD will further explore it. Although that will be after an LLM in International Tax. Think that is too much? I am also interested in Psychology, I want to learn how to DJ (no, I don’t have a DJ name yet) and grow my poetry muscle. Yes, all that! I don’t believe people should be limited.

Looking at my blog, there has not been any specificity and going forward, there won’t be for my mind buzzes at different things as you will see. There are many dimensions to me and I am here for them all! Therefore, consider this my reintroduction. A reintroduction as an affirmation and a vow to myself, to break the ice and in the spirit of embracing my inner wiring.

Together with the word bender Pauline Kahuubire, who has agreed to be my editor, I shall put to paper some of the conversations in my head. This is where you come in. Once every two weeks, or whenever the universe aligns, let’s interact, agree to disagree but also create new knowledge on my 1,000 passions! Welcome to this epic journey of questioning and interrogating various aspects of life.

Hello everyone, my name is Hazel, welcome again to my blog.



Birungi Hazel

Continually fighting the procrastination monkey to successfully adult.